Frequently Asked Question

* How to create or Login a Practice Test
Last Updated 3 years ago

How do I log in the Practice test.

You will need to create a new account. This is different from your Application Information.

To create a new account got to the following website:

Then on the right side of your screen, scroll down to New user and fill in the information to create a new account.


How do I find my Practice Test that I Paid for?

After purchasing go to

You will then log in at the top right corner of this screen.

Once you log in, you will see another screen that will show you the test that you purchased. When taking it for the 1st time, you will find it listed under "List of Authorized Tests ready to start.

Fine the words "Click here to start this test" and click on it. You Test will start

If you leave and come back to your test at a later time, you will then find it listed under "Test in Progress Or Completed.

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